Sam Proof, the host of the popular live stream show Season Z, recently appeared on the Deadpool & Death podcast to discuss his unique approach to board gaming and how he got his start in live streaming. If you’re a fan of pop culture, nerdiness, and all-around shenanigans, you won’t want to miss this lively and entertaining interview.

What is Season Z?

Season Z is a live stream show that lets the audience control the action. Sam creates custom missions for the popular board game Zombicide, and viewers can help the heroes or hinder their progress by giving them extra actions and re-rolls or by adding more zombies to the board. It’s a fun and engaging way to experience the game and interact with other fans.

Season Z: Brig It On Twitch.TV/SamProof
Season Z – Fridays 10am PST

What is Zombicide?

Zombicide is a cooperative board game that pits players against hordes of zombies. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, and players must work together to complete missions and survive the zombie onslaught. One of the things that sets Zombicide apart from other games is its customization options. Players can create their own missions and scenarios, which adds to the game’s replayability and keeps things fresh and exciting. On Sam Proof’s Season Z, the audience can even get involved in the action by helping the heroes or hindering their progress. It’s a fun and interactive way to experience this popular game, and it’s just one of the many reasons why Sam’s show is a hit with board game enthusiasts.

How did Sam get his start in live streaming?

During his interview on Deadpool & Death, Sam talked about how he got his start in live streaming by answering a Craigslist casting call. Since then, he has honed his craft and built a loyal following of fans who appreciate his irreverent humor and creative approach to board gaming.

What else did Sam talk about on the podcast?

In addition to discussing Season Z and his live streaming journey, Sam also shared his thoughts on Saturday morning cartoons from the 80s. His playful and irreverent sense of humor is on full display throughout the interview, making for a fun and engaging listen.

Where can I listen to the Deadpool & Death podcast with Sam Proof?

You can listen to Sam’s interview on the Deadpool & Death podcast by following this link: Whether you’re a seasoned board gamer or just looking for some entertaining conversation, this episode is sure to be a hit with anyone who appreciates good humor and engaging content.


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